On Wed, 2015-09-30 at 09:22 +0200, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> I think there are some open issues to finalize the Oak stuff?

I think the big one is

  UserAdmin and GroupAdmin groups are missing on our Oak setup

There are more details in the issue but the basic idea is that Oak does
not and will not support them.

My suggestion is:

- remove the metatype from the service exposing these parameters (
 AuthorizablePrivilegesInfoImpl )
- warn if a non-default value is found set for these properties
- no longer take the properties into account
- delete the ITs which exercise this functionality

A less drastic approach is

- remove the metatype from the service exposing these parameters (
 AuthorizablePrivilegesInfoImpl )
- warn if a non-default value is found
set for these properties
- take the properties into account if the
repository is Jackrabbit ( not Oak )
- keep the ITs which exercise this
functionality restricted to Jackrabbit ( like we to today )

I would personally go for the drastic approach since we intend to stop 
supporting Jackrabbit 2.x, but I would like to know what others think about 


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