Chetan Mehrotra wrote
>> - I don't see a reason to have NoopMetric and MetricsService.NOOP in the API.
> In Oak I have found it useful to have NOOP in API for code to evolve.
> Some examples
> 1. Allow use of Metrics in code Sling bundle - If we add a direct
> dependency on Metrics then any bundle if to be deployed on older setup
> would also pull in metrics bundle and Metrics library. Having NOOP
> would allow such bundles to have a optional dependency on
> MetricsService and default to NOOP (which can be easily inlined and
> reimported) and let them be usable in older setups

Hmm...ok, that allows for nicer code than doing a null check all over
the place.

> 2. It also enables unit testing - One can stub out the MetricsService
> using NOOP implementation to test the logic without pulling in
> complete implementation

Testing should not drive api design :)

> Also note that NoopMetric is package protected. So not exposed

But it appears in the api as a main class. Can we maybe hide it and
inline it in MetricsService?

>> what happens if a creation method on the MetricsService for the same name is 
>> called twice?
> The service is thread safe and same object would be reused. So yes it
> can hide duplicates. One idea I had was to use a ServiceFactory and
> detect such duplicates there based on calling bundle

Ok, so the javadocs need to be adjusted that you either get a new or an
existing one :)

>> what about an api to get all metrics or a specific one?
> The focus for wrapper API was collection side as that would be used by
> majority of classes. For getting all Metrics one can directly access
> the underlying MetricRegistry by using dropwizard Metrics library API

I see...ok, this api is purely for generating metrics - which makes
totally sense.


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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