>The PathBuilder is aimed to be more lightweight than a Path when just
>need to craft a String path to pass to the ResourceResolver or a
>similar API.
>It's outside the api.resource.util package since it's a standalone
>utility that might move outside the API bundle in the future, if we get
>more path-related utilities in.
>That being said, I see three options:
>1. Go ahead with the release, given the above arguments
>2. Move Path and PathSet to the resource.path package, for consistency
>3. Move pack PathBuilder to the resourceresolver package as an internal

thanks for the explanation - so this was by intention.

i withdraw my -1 vote on this vote.

i personally would like 2., but with "api" in the package name. we already have 
some utility classes in the API, why not some more handling paths. esp. i would 
like to put all path-related classes in the same package to make it easier to 
find them.

but if no one else has a problem with the current package layout i'm fine with 
it as well


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