Justin Edelson wrote
> I guess I'm not really understanding the advantage of this flat list (which
> wouldn't be a single flat list, but multiple flat lists). What is the the
> difference between
> /apps/myco/components/bar
> /libs/myco/components/bar
> and
> /foo/apps/myco:components:bar
> /foo/libs/myco:components:bar
With /foo you have resource type resources only, nothing else, no
clutter. It is true, that having /foo/apps and /foo/libs spoils the
whole thing and my initial idea was actually to just have
/foo/resourcetypehierarchy - no overlays for the resource type
hierarchy. But that would go against or overlay principle.

Maybe my idea is not the best, that's why it is an RT :) But I strongly
believe that we should move the hierarchy definition out of the /libs,
/apps bags of random stuff.

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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