
>> 9. Add the bnd maven plugin 3.2.0
>> (see https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/tree/master/maven/bnd-maven-plugin)
>> This plugin is newer than the maven bundle plugin and closer to bnd
>> change. So we can start using this in our modules.
> we should make clear how to use bnd.bnd files. Do you have a sample project 
> which is close to our bundles regarding to bundle settings?

No, and having a base definition in the parent pom for that plugin does
currently only work if your parent pom is part of your reactor.
I'm planning to provide a patch for this soon.

For now, I'm thinking of just adding that plugin, so we can explore it
easier and hopefully with version 3.3.0 it has all the features we need
and we can start using it for real.

Of course we could explore it without adding it to the parent pom, but I
would like to give it a little bit more visibility.


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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