>> On Thursday 14 July 2016 21:43:45 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> looking at our parent pom, we have there some really really old
>>> dependencies. The reasoning behind this is that we usually try to use
>>> the minimal possible version for a dependency. However, for some things
>>> newer versions are out for some time and are the de-facto standard.
>>> I think we should
>>> 1. Update the default java version for modules from 6 to 7
>>> 2. Update the dependency to OSGi Core from 4.1.0 to R6
>>> 3. Update the dependency to OSGi Cmpn from 4.1.0 to R6
>>> 4. Update the servlet api dependency from 2.4 to 3.0.1 or even 3.1.0
>>>    (Unfortunately this will break modules as the mvn coordinates have
>>> changed, but we can easily update those if we update the parent pom in
>>> those modules)
>>> 5. Update the jcr dependency to 2.0
>>> 6. Update the slf4j-api dependency from 1.5.2 to 1.7.6
>>> 7. Add the dependency for the OSGi annotations (@Version, @ProviderType,
>>> @ConsumerType)
>>> 8. Add the dependency for the OSGi DS and metatype annotations
>>> 9. Add the bnd maven plugin 3.2.0
>>> (see https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/tree/master/maven/bnd-maven-plugin)
>>> This plugin is newer than the maven bundle plugin and closer to bnd
>>> change. So we can start using this in our modules.
>>> 10. Maybe change the required maven version from 3.0.5 to 3.3.x
>> 11. Update maven-bundle-plugin to 3.2.0
> I've updated the parent pom as outlined above, including #11.
> It would be great if everyone can have a look before we start a release

I've also created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-5851
which lists changes we must do for a module to update to parent pom 27.



Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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