I currently solve it by using the package manager from composum[2] but having 
support for content packages in Sling itself would in my opinion create extra 

There are for example occasions where developers make something for AEM which 
could just as well work in standard Sling. But in their project they make use 
of content packages to add some resources to the repository. 
This makes it so that when they want to contribute it to Sling if they have to 
convert it all to the json formats and use Sling-Initial-Content, which 
probably will not happen in most cases.


> On 28 Sep 2016, at 23:49, Stefan Seifert <sseif...@pro-vision.de> wrote:
> discussed at the Sling Committer Round Table @ adaptTo() 2016
> currently there is no support for content packages in sling to easily package 
> content/resources from the repository or resource hierarchy and transfer it 
> between instances.
> concerning File Vault packages several parts are already open source [1].
> there is a content package maven plugin from adobe [2], but it's not open 
> source.
> the composum console has a package manager support in its latest version [3]
> wcm.io also has a content package plugin [4] which already replaces parts oft 
> he adobe content package maven plugin (upload/download package part), but not 
> yet the part building the ZIP package from the VLT file layout. it could be 
> contributed to sling easily.
> we discussed that there is a missing "receiver" part to upload content 
> packages via http to sling, but this is mainly glueing code and the major 
> parts of functionality are already available.
> stefan
> [1] https://jackrabbit.apache.org/filevault/
> [2] 
> https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/day/jcr/vault/content-package-maven-plugin/
> [3] https://github.com/ist-dresden/composum/wiki#package-manager
> [4] http://wcm.io/tooling/maven/plugins/wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin/

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