On Fri, 2016-09-30 at 10:16 +0200, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Robert Munteanu wrote
> > On Wed, 2016-09-28 at 21:49 +0000, Stefan Seifert wrote:
> > > wcm.io also has a content package plugin [4] which already
> > > replaces
> > > parts oft he adobe content package maven plugin (upload/download
> > > package part), but not yet the part building the ZIP package from
> > > the
> > > VLT file layout. it could be contributed to sling easily.
> > 
> > 
> > As a side note, I found that the way the Adobe content-package-
> > maven-
> > plugin configures resources to be included in content package is
> > quite
> > cumbersome:
> > 
> > - overriding resource directories
> > - manually exclude .vlt files
> > - requires maven-resources-plugin extra execution to copy META-
> > INF/vault
> > 
> > We should provide a much simpler out-of-the box experience.
> > 
> Big +1, I was actually going to suggest the same
> I think there shouldn't be any need for fiddling with filter
> definitions
> and all this stuff, the tooling can take care of it. So the source
> project should not contain any of the special files under META-INF
> vault. They can all be generated.

Agreed, we can generate them for the '95%' case. 

There will always be special cases, and to encourage wider adoption we
could also support 'manual' definition, failing if we have both a pom
configuration and a filter.xml file.


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