On Thursday 13 October 2016 20:36:10 Stefan Seifert wrote:
> >Do we really want org.apache.sling.contextaware.config as package name?
> >Sling Content Distribution uses org.apache.sling.distribution, so
> >org.apache.sling.configuration for Sling's context-ware configuration
> >should be fine, no?
> only "configuration" is misleading, because it's not about osgi
> configuration, but only about context-aware configuration. thus
> "contextaware" has to be part of the package name.

I do remember the discussion regarding the naming and do not want that 
starting again. But not sure if the "product label" has to be also the package 
name – for distribution, which is also a *very* generic name – it has to be 
not. And as this configurations are based on resources I should have suggested 

> one could argue if it should be
>   o.a.s.contextaware.config
> or
>   o.a.s.contextawareconfig

The second fits better in our naming pattern. Also these modules are the first 
using dashes in property names (or node/resource types) instead of camel case.

> >Any hints for using it on AEM 6.1?
> i've created a small sample project using it with AEM 6.1 at [1].
> no further dependencies are required atm.
> but without customization via SPI it does not yet support cq:Page node types
> or other AEM specifica.

Will you provide AEM extensions, tooling and GUI under wcm.io umbrella?

Hopefully I will find some time in the next weeks to move a project from 
custom configuration to _context-aware_ configuration (POC). 

Thanks for contributing that stuff to Sling, Stefan!


> stefan
> [1] https://github.com/stefanseifert/sling-contextaware-config-aem-sample

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