I'm moving this into a separate thread to make the discussion easier.

With the current state of the xss module, we would break every consumer
and require her to upgrade code (release their own modules depending on
XSS etc). As xss is pretty popular, this means a high burden on our
downstream users.

I think we have these options:
1) Pass on the pain to our users, simply release as 2.0.0 and require
everyone to upgrade

2) Release the new api as 2.0 under a different symbolic name allowing
our users to have new and old side by side. In that case we would need
to deprecate 1.x and users should upgrade over time.

3) Best effort: we release as 1.x and know that this is an incompatible
change. This will only break users of the old JSONUtil, everyone else
runs without any problems. Unfortunately if others are using the util,
this will only be detected at runtime.

Are the other/better options?

I think we should definitely not do 1)


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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