On Tuesday 25 April 2017 14:09:51 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> I'm moving this into a separate thread to make the discussion easier.
> With the current state of the xss module, we would break every consumer
> and require her to upgrade code (release their own modules depending on
> XSS etc). As xss is pretty popular, this means a high burden on our
> downstream users.
> I think we have these options:
> 1) Pass on the pain to our users, simply release as 2.0.0 and require
> everyone to upgrade
> 2) Release the new api as 2.0 under a different symbolic name allowing
> our users to have new and old side by side. In that case we would need
> to deprecate 1.x and users should upgrade over time.
> 3) Best effort: we release as 1.x and know that this is an incompatible
> change. This will only break users of the old JSONUtil, everyone else
> runs without any problems. Unfortunately if others are using the util,
> this will only be detected at runtime.
> Are the other/better options?

Can we keep the symbolic name for the new bundle and provide an additional 
compat bundle with old JSONUtil?


> I think we should definitely not do 1)
>  Carsten

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