On Tuesday 12 September 2017 14:47:22 Stefan Seifert wrote:
> consider the following use case:
> - an OSGi/Sling-based library provides a SPI interface
> - applications of multiple tenants are deployed on the same instance
> - each tenant uses a different content tree, e.g. /content/tenant1 and
> /content/tenant2 - each tenant's application wants to register a different
> implementation of the SPI, to be applied on resource requests on the
> tenant's content subtree - this affects not only one SPI but multiple SPIs
> - we do not want to implement a
> detect-the-matching-SPI-implementation-for-a-given resource for each
> library again - we want to have a configuration of the mapping tenant's
> resource path -> SPI implementation in a central place and to be applied to
> all SPI implementation of a tenant's application
> i've implemented a solution for this some months ago, it's currently part of
> a wcm.io library. documentation [1], source code [2]
> questions:
> 1. do you have these use cases as well? (we had a lot of enterprise projects
> where we needed exactly this in the last years)

Sure. Nearly the same in my current project: all tentants use the same SPI 
implementation but only one wants to use a custom one.

> 2. does it make sense to
> contribute it to sling?


> 3. do you have better ideas for configuring the mapping or the
> implementation?

No, but there was a discussion on SO some years ago about dynamic filtering of 
services (which is similar but more general – not limited to resources): 


> stefan
> [1] http://wcm.io/sling/commons/context-aware-services.html
> [2]
> https://github.com/wcm-io/wcm-io-sling/tree/develop/commons/src/main/java/i
> o/wcm/sling/commons/caservice

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