On Mon, 2017-10-09 at 14:25 +0000, Stefan Seifert wrote:
> if the git repo names are still based on artifact id with only "."
> replaced by "-" i suppose this would be ok from my side.
> we mainly wanted to avoid to choose completely different naming
> schema which may be hard to guess if you have only the artifact id of
> a given bundle.

Right. Infra indicates that they can't support dots in repostiory

> On our side, since we don't have any repos with periods, the overhead
for making sure it won't break things is a bit prohibitive.So for the
time being I don't think we can allow it.

This is from the hipchat room, don't know if there are any archives
available for it, pasting it here for completeness.

So it seems that we need to replace the dot with something. The dash (
'-' ) is a good option, unless someone else things otherwise I'm going
to go with the dash name.

E.g. instead of sling-org.apache.sling.api we'd have sling-org-apache-
sling-api .



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