I'm pretty excited about this.  Did run into a slight problem. I use windows at 
work and your CMS commit actually breaks git for me. 
cms/ui/src/main/resources/jcr_root/etc/fileeditors/jcr:content.json is not 
considered a valid file. 

- Jason

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018, at 12:38 AM, Daniel Klco wrote:
> I went back to the drawing board on this and came up with a much better
> version. There's still some areas to polish, but a lot of the basic stuff
> is there. This new CMS extensively uses Sling concepts and tools including:
>    - Sling Post Servlet
>    - Sling Mappings
>    - Sling Resource Merger
>    - Sling Rewriter
>    - Sling i18n Support
>    - Composum
> It's available as a Sling Application runnable JAR and a docker image. You
> can build the docker image pretty easily by:
>    1. Adding the following entries into your /etc/hosts:
>       - [docker-machine-ip] cms.sling.apache.org
>       -
>       [docker-machine-ip] sling2.apache.org
>       2. Checking out the Whiteboard project:
>    https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/
>    3. Navigating to cms/docker
>    4. Running the command: docker build -t org.apache.sling.cms .
>    5. Running the command: docker run -d -p 80:80 org.apache.sling.cms
>    6. You can then open your browser to cms.sling.apache.org and in a few
>    moments, Sling CMS will be available.
>    7. With the provided /etc/hosts configuration, if you create a site
>    called sling-apache-org it will be available at the url sling2.apache.org
> I put together a short video showing the process:
> https://youtu.be/n1MUQDn0jLU
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 5:06 PM, Daniel Klco <dk...@apache.org> wrote:

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