On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 7:26 AM, Ioan Eugen Stan <ieu...@netdava.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > Yep, indeed. Currently I'm working on building out some reference
> > components like search, lists, column controls, text editors, etc.
> That would be awesome. We would like to use such components in our setup
> and we might help with some development and maintenance along the way.
> That would take some time dough.

Yep. I've made some of these, but it's still pretty basic and some are a
bit clunky.

> IMO we should be able to make the artifacts available as part of a
> release process.

Absolutely. I'm thinking that these could be a standalone related project
so it can be versioned separately from the CMS as a whole.

> Is this part of the apache project or a you private project. I'm asking
> because I would like to do some work in that direction (release as often
> as possible).

It's in the Sling Whiteboard:

> >> - is there any relationship between sling-cms and Composum? It seems to
> >> me like both projects are heading in a similar direction and a
> >> colaboration might be beneficial. Composum provides Composum assests,
> >> Composum Pages, etc. That functionality could be reused.
> >>
> > Not at the moment, I did add in Compsum for the package and node explorer
> > capabilities, but I didn't realize Compsum Pages and Assets were so far
> > along.
> >
> Have you had time to check them out? Can Sling CMS use those compnents?
> Will they be used instead of internal/custom ones?

 I've looked through the documentation for Composum Pages / Assets. It
looks like they have taken a different approach, but the assets in
particular is really nice. I'll try to download it soon and check it out.

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