Hello Radu,

I've read the project description and I like the direction in which you
are going. I believe being able to add constraints to code will make
things more clear.

I do wish to ask something: I like the idea described in Sling in 15 min
[1]. I believe it's a very powerful way of developing pages and working
only on layout. Is this something that is going to go away?

Will I be forced to push scripts only via a bundle? If that is so, I
might suggest a solution where we can add Require/Provide to a JCR node
of a special type and that might be deployed as a bundle. I imagine that
such a node will mostly nly Require and not Provide a lot of things
since it's goal would be to render Pages.

I hope I understood correctly the issue and I'm not barking up the wrong
tree :).



On 26.04.2018 12:34, Radu Cotescu wrote:
> Hello Sling devs,
> Karl and I have been working for the past weeks on a new scripting prototype 
> that we've now pushed to the Whiteboard [1]. The module is an add-on that 
> allows developers to deploy scripts through bundles, with the following core 
> features:
> standalone module that doesn't require any changes in Sling's current APIs
> bundles that provide scripts are wired to this add-on and then the add-on 
> registers servlets on behalf of the scripting bundles (one servlet / script)
> resource types can now be versioned (they're expressed as OSGi capabilities)
> resource types can have explicit dependencies to other resource types, and 
> everything is controlled by the wiring provided by the OSGi framework
> For the full details please check the documentation provided at [1]. We're 
> very interested in your opinions about this module, since we’d like to 
> integrate it into the next Sling Starter release.
> Thanks,
> Radu and Karl
> [1] - 
> https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/tree/master/scripting-resolver 
> <https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/tree/master/scripting-resolver>

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