On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 3:06 PM, Jason E Bailey <jason.bai...@24601.org> wrote:
> I honestly have mixed emotions on this :) I can appreciate the need behind 
> it, but the "problems" that you are fixing are some of the features that 
> attracted me to Sling in the first place.

Not sure I understand your concern correctly. Nothing is really
changing in regard to how sling is working. You just put your
resourceType on a resource and that is it. Likewise, you don't have to
know (or care) about this when you dispatch from your own code. You
just include/forward like you do today. Furthermore, you can still
just provide your script via the repository (as it is right now - with
no changes whatsoever).

Only if you are creating scripts that you provide in this bundled
fashion it impacts you and even then, it will for the most part be
unnoticeable (plus give you the benefit of being able to version your

However, I might be missing what your concern is...



> I'm looking forward to putting it through it's paces.
> --
> Jason
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018, at 5:34 AM, Radu Cotescu wrote:
>> Hello Sling devs,
>> Karl and I have been working for the past weeks on a new scripting
>> prototype that we've now pushed to the Whiteboard [1]. The module is an
>> add-on that allows developers to deploy scripts through bundles, with
>> the following core features:
>> standalone module that doesn't require any changes in Sling's current
>> APIs
>> bundles that provide scripts are wired to this add-on and then the add-
>> on registers servlets on behalf of the scripting bundles (one servlet /
>> script)
>> resource types can now be versioned (they're expressed as OSGi
>> capabilities)
>> resource types can have explicit dependencies to other resource types,
>> and everything is controlled by the wiring provided by the OSGi
>> framework
>> For the full details please check the documentation provided at [1].
>> We're very interested in your opinions about this module, since we’d
>> like to integrate it into the next Sling Starter release.
>> Thanks,
>> Radu and Karl
>> [1] -
>> https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/tree/master/scripting-resolver
>> <https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/tree/master/scripting-resolver>

Karl Pauls

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