I think Uwe is basically agreeing with my point -- we should not scare
people away from embedded ZK.  We needn't wait for ZK v3.7; this is a
matter of documentation and maybe warnings we emit.  Done.

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 7:09 AM Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de> wrote:

> I am fully happy with something that works out of box.
> The main problems I see with many customers is not only the complexity of
> setup, but also that you need to install a separate Zookeeper ensemble.
> When you tell them: Come on, use the one provided by a solr node and you
> are fine: “no this is not allowed, see doc xy”.
> So let us please simplify the recommendations: If you have one or 2 or
> three nodes in standalone node, it is perfectly fine to use embedded
> zookeeper. We should not overreact here. A user who used Master/Slave
> replication is also not fully fault tolerant.
> I’d change the documentation to say something: “If you want to scale, use
> a separate zookeeper ensemble with a minimum of three nodes. But for simple
> setups just relying on the good old master/slave replication (not the
> default solr one that distributes indexing), it is perfectly fine to use
> embedded zookeeper (on the “master” node that holds the main index). This
> setup is then not really different from classical master/slave replication.
> As said before, I am not against Solr cloud, but lets keep it simple for
> people that want to keep it simple. I am also fine to start a single node
> cluster with zookeeper, but this should be the embedded one (just as
> datastore for the fake cluster). And no warnings should be printed. Maybe
> as soon as you add too many nodes, print some warning “now it is time to
> setup a separate zookeeper ensemble”. But, please not for 2 nodes
> (master/slave).
> Also where is the problem in spawning an embedded zookeeper in every node
> by default? Why does it need to be separated?
> Uwe
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
> https://www.thetaphi.de
> eMail: u...@thetaphi.de
> *From:* Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 11, 2021 4:27 PM
> *To:* dev@solr.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: SolrCloud Alone: Deprecate Standalone Mode
> However, we tell people not to use the embedded ZK in production, so I’m
> curious if that’s only because it’s a single-node ZK or if there is
> something else about the way we’ve embedded it that we would need to change?
> As I recall there are several reasons. First, our embedded ZK was kind of
> a hack with some forked code etc. Second, it is not designed to be fault
> tolerant even if you start three solr nodes this way we cannot form a
> quorum. And perhaps third, ZK has not been officially supported on
> Windows.. However, I believe this is all solvable if we want to day. Not
> saying it is easy though :)
> Jan
> 11. aug. 2021 kl. 16:17 skrev Cassandra Targett <casstarg...@gmail.com>:
> So basically the proposal would be that we use the embedded ZK to
> automatically create a quorum via multiple nodes. That’s an interesting
> idea.
> However, we tell people not to use the embedded ZK in production, so I’m
> curious if that’s only because it’s a single-node ZK or if there is
> something else about the way we’ve embedded it that we would need to change?
> I was also under the impression that beyond the complexities of ZK there
> are still use cases that SolrCloud does not adequately support, even with
> the addition of TLOG and PULL replicas. Does anyone have any examples of
> those?
> I’d also like to remind folks to please not use the terminology
> “master/slave”, we removed it from the code and documentation because it’s
> not inclusive for our community.
> Similarly, “standalone” has always been rather imprecise - it’s not
> “standalone”, it’s a cluster but without ZK and other automation sugar. In
> the Ref Guide we’ve settled on “user-managed”. It sounds pedantic but it
> matters because we should be really clear about what we’re talking about -
> deprecating and removing the ability for a single-node Solr installation?
> Only the mode of a non-ZK cluster? Both?
> On Aug 11, 2021, 6:39 AM -0500, Eric Pugh <ep...@opensourceconnections.com>,
> wrote:
> For small setups I’ve used a single ZK and a single Solr node very
> successfully, the operational benefits of all the SolrCloud API’s has been
> fantastic.
> I’ve always thought that us having ZooKeeper as this “front and center”
> requirement for SolrCloud was always a weird decision that would put off a
> lot of folks.   We don’t beat our potential users over the head with the
> fact we use Jetty for example.   It’s just part of the stack.
> The flow that Gus proposed should have been added to SolrCloud a long time
> ago, how much easier would it have made all our lives!   The entire
> existence of ZooKeeper should be behind APIs and be an abstraction.  We
> should do this regardless of if deprecated standalone!
> Uwe, if we had what Gus proposed, but eliminate zk, would that map much
> more to what you wanted?  Here is my attempt at retelling the story that
> Gus told, but to meet the goals of folks who might want to move to ES for
> ease:
> A) Start Node 1.
> B) Start Node 2 telling it that Node 1 exists. node 2 comes up, joins
> network and messages “at risk for split brain”.
> C) Start Node 3 telling it that node 1 exists. node 1, node 2, node 3 all
> under the covers are sharing state via ZK and messages “no risk for split
> brain"
> D) Node 4 - like node 2 but since we have optimum quorum doesn’t add to ZK
> (under covers, hidden from user).
> E) Node 5 - like node 3, but since we have optimum quorum doesn’t add to
> ZK (under covers, hidden from user).
> On Aug 11, 2021, at 7:15 AM, Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> most of my customers prefer standalone mode and manual replication. A lot
> of setups, especially in Germany, are very
> Solr Cloud is only interesting to large customers that want to scale
> hugely. But from what I have seen, most of those have moved to
> Elasticsearch or Opensearch (see below). The biggest issue is always the
> stupidness of having to maintain a separate Zookeeper cloud, which adds
> more hardware/VMs to the game and makes the thing more complex. If you want
> to maintain up to 4 or 6 Solr nodes with one index and a few shards, the
> overhead by Zookeeper (you need 3 of them) is – sorry to say –
> unmaintainable. With Elasticsearch it’s easy to setup. No dedicated
> cloud/standalone mode. You just start a single node and test it. If it
> works fine, you start additional nodes to form a cloud. Plain simple.
> Config files are easy to handle, you need no ip addresses hardcoded into
> Zookeeper nodes, it just works. If you don’t want to make people move to
> Elasticsearch/Opensearch, make them happy with their fully controllable
> local master/slave mode.
> So my strong -1 to make cloud mode the default and deprecate standalone
> mode. Unless both is the same and works without a separate zookeeper
> cluster, I won’t change my vote.
> Uwe
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
> https://www.thetaphi.de
> eMail: u...@thetaphi.de
> *From:* Gus Heck <gus.h...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 10, 2021 8:34 PM
> *To:* dev@solr.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: SolrCloud Alone: Deprecate Standalone Mode
> Or to keep things fast without retaining all the checks, one could provide
> slow/fast modes for test, fast requiring a local zookeeper external to the
> tests, with the tests properly namespacing themselves... that does imply
> reworking some tests.
> Now that I say the above, it would be interesting if the some of the tests
> could (also optionally) properly isolate themselves within an externally
> running solr (probably started via cloud.sh with the latest edits. ...
> develop, cloud.sh, test manually, run tests against same I expect that
> there are still tests for which that makes no sense of course. This is
> probably a crazier idea than using an external zookeeper however, where
> zkChroot should be sufficient to isolate things I think...
> -Gus
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 2:22 PM David Smiley <dsmi...@apache.org> wrote:
> Good call-out on perceived complexity due to running 3 ZK nodes.  For many
> small installations, honestly Solr's embedded ZK is fine.  Also, again for
> small installations, running ZK alongside Solr (same hardware) is fine.  We
> shouldn't needlessly shame users away from doing these things as if it's
> irresponsible.  There's a spectrum of demands on Solr from low to high.
> Anyway, I suspect it's increasingly moot with more Docker & Kubernetes
> being used to reduce the hassles of deploying any service (be it Solr or
> whatever).  This will only increase going forward.
> Even if ZK becomes the only mode, I expect many checks in our codebase
> that conditionally check for ZK to remain.  We want tests that don't care
> about SolrCloud mode to be fast, and that means not running unnecessary
> things like ZooKeeper.
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 12:23 PM Gus Heck <gus.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've met several clients who really didn't want to manage zookeeper as an
> additional service (I've talked some into it anyway, but it was clearly a
> key reason they hadn't started/gone cloud). I think it would be far more
> palatable if it's all "part of solr", doesn't require plumbing the docs of
> some other project entirely, and requires neither requisitioning additional
> hardware nor service scripts, monitoring, support that isn't "solr"
> support... etc... then I think that alleviates some of the pain that folks
> in small sub-sections of moderate to large orgs feel at the idea of using
> cloud. These folks face long procurement cycles and disaster/recovery plans
> etc, despite often having team sizes under 20... or face having to educate
> large IT departments into handling deployments when they themselves are new
> (of course that's how some of them wind up hiring folks like me... but
> that's a barrier too since that has to be approved too).  Also I've met
> folks who didn't understand that it was possible to have a 1 node "cluster"
> with zk on the same machine, and had the impression that 5 boxes (2 solr
> and 3 zk) were absolutely required to run cloud. Which it is of course for
> high availability with no SPOF, but it is not required if you don't need
> high availability.
> I think to sunset "user managed" we need to figure out how to self manage
> embedded zookeepers, most particularly setup for smaller orgs or lower
> traffic installs should look like:
> A) Start Node 1 with zk embedded ... if you only need one node, don't want
> high availability etc, done.
> B) Start Node 2 telling it the zk url for node 1. node 2 comes up, offers
> to participate in zk, but does not because that would make an even number
> C) Start Node 3 telling it the zk url for node 1. node 1 (node 2 hasn't
> started zk) node 3 offers to participate in zk, and now with 2 offers
> pending, both 2 and 3, get up to date on the current state and th join, now
> the embedded zk cluster is 3 nodes, not one, and no SPOF... as they grow...
> D) Node 4 - like node 2 but can use zk url of any of 1,2,3
> E) Node 5 - like node 3, but can use zk url of any 1,2,3
> Obviously, features for users to set a cap the size of zk clusters, don't
> need 49 nodes on 50 servers... , ensure they put their data in a convenient
> place that is well documented, document how to secure the inter-node
> connections, clarity in the admin UI of what nodes have zk etc.
> For this embedded zk use case we should document whatever the user needs
> to know so they don't have to sort through docs at an entirely different
> project not necessarily focused on the things solr users need.
> Certainly we would still advocate for a separate zk cluster for better
> performance/stability. In essence a supported mode with known
> limitations... True we have to support all THAT code instead, but the
> available feature set becomes consistent and a bazillion checks to see if
> we have zkStateReader (or some other sentinel for cloud mode) can
> disappear, so probably a net gain etc.
> On the flip side I"ve also had the thought that cluster state management
> should be pluggable such that if a better tool than zk, or merely an
> "already installed" tool is available solr could use it. Without careful
> thought everything I just said could take us in the opposite direction
> Maybe running zk embedded is "Solr Fog" mode :)
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 2:55 PM Houston Putman <houstonput...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I agree with David that the first step would be to make SolrCloud the
> default mode.
> I made a dev list thread about this a few months ago, but I think I failed
> to respond at some point.
> I will get back on that and address the
> I also really like Mike's idea that we enable very similar use cases with
> embedded Zookeeper's,
> if at all possible, to make the transition easy for users who want to stay
> on the user-manager mode.
> Marcus, I think it would be a great idea to fix up the documentation to
> make SolrCloud the first and most prominent mode advertised.
> Never saw your original PR, but would love to give it a look if you
> resuscitate it at some point.
> - Houston
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 2:48 PM David Smiley <dsmi...@apache.org> wrote:
> Given that SolrCloud is not even the default mode, I think it is premature
> to deprecate standalone mode.  Let's do this first and maybe consider
> deprecating standalone after some time?
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 1:58 PM Mike Drob <md...@mdrob.com> wrote:
> Could we simulate user managed replication with an embedded zookeeper
> on the primary and pull replicas on the followers?
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 12:56 PM Jason Gerlowski <gerlowsk...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hey Marcus,
> >
> > The places I've worked in the past have all used SolrCloud primarily
> > so I can't speak to any specifics, but my impression from reading
> > user-list traffic is that a sizable chunk of Solr's user base prefers
> > "User-Managed" mode (formerly called "standalone").  Some because they
> > don't want to manage a ZooKeeper cluster.  Some because the
> > replication model in 'user-managed' fits their needs better.  Some I
> > imagine just haven't bothered to update in many years.
> >
> > I'm absolutely sympathetic to efforts to streamline development and
> > reduce collective debt, but it might be tough to displace such a big
> > chunk of users.  I'm curious what others think though.  Maybe the
> > proportion of 'user-managed' users out there is smaller than I
> > imagine.
> >
> > Jason
> >
> > On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 11:59 PM Marcus Eagan <marcusea...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello again,
> > >
> > > Has the time come for us to reduce scope to move faster and with more
> focus? Even for those not in the cloud, SolrCloud has been the undisputed
> performance and usability champ since version 8.0. In version 9.0, I'd like
> to propose that the deciders in the community deprecate standalone mode in
> favor of SolrCloud.
> > >
> > > There are a few drivers:
> > >
> > > We only need to support changes that impact SolrCloud going forward. I
> know that this is hard to stomach. But by the time Solr reaches version
> 10.0, everyone should have migrated to SolrCloud as there is little reason
> to continue to run standalone.
> > > The new features keep coming to SolrCloud, but not to standalone. You
> can see in a few ways how I embarrassingly discovered this late one night
> while trying out a PR. If not careful, users can accidentally start Solr in
> standalone mode. Think of all the features that they will see documented
> but not in their environment. What a confusing user experience?
> > > Last but certainly not least, the number of contributors to the
> project, and the velocity of those contributions has dropped. . It does not
> have to be that way, though. Two ways are for the community to observe our
> push for modernization and improved user experience. Simply eliminating the
> need to include the -c flag in the start command would be a huge win for
> many engineers.We should make life easier for our users as much as the
> maintainers here. We can strive to make the upgrade process from 9 to 10
> very simple.
> > >
> > > I tried to make one step in this direction last year by re-ordering
> the README to show the Solr Cloud command before the standalone command. I
> believe that patch died on the vine, but I would be excited to revive it to
> document this effort when the time is appropriate.
> > >
> > > Reason not to do it:
> > >
> > >  Some large company out there might view this move as introducing
> risk. I view the risk here as negligible but I welcome any perspective
> there.
> > > Some things I inevitably don't know.
> > >
> > > What do you all think?
> > >
> > > Thank you all for your voluntary contributions,
> > > --
> > > Marcus Eagan
> > >
> >
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> _______________________
> *Eric Pugh **| *Founder & CEO | OpenSource Connections, LLC |
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> Co-Author: Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server, 3rd Ed
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