
On Jenkins we would enable those.

Am 14. Januar 2022 12:53:21 UTC schrieb "Jan Høydahl" <jan....@cominvent.com>:
>Tests take forever to run, and we have totally intermingled unit tests 
>(testing one class or with mocks) with integration tests (spinning up solr 
>clusters, indexing etc), which is not good project hygiene imo.
>Can we start tagging integration tests in a way so we can choose to leave them 
>out for the quick dev iterations? We already have these properties for test 
>// filtering
>[propName: 'tests.filter', value: null, description: "Applies a test filter 
>(see :helpTests)."],
>[propName: 'tests.slow', value: true, description: "Enables or disables @Slow 
>[propName: 'tests.nightly', value: false, description: "Enables or disables 
>@Nightly tests."],
>[propName: 'tests.weekly', value: false, description: "Enables or disables 
>@Weekly tests."],
>[propName: 'tests.monster', value: false, description: "Enables or disables 
>@Monster tests."],
>[propName: 'tests.awaitsfix', value: null, description: "Enables or disables 
>@AwaitsFix tests."],
>[propName: 'tests.badapples', value: null, description: "Enables or disables 
>@BadApple tests."],
>So perhaps add an @Ingtegrationtest annotation and a 
>-Ptests.integrationtest=true/false flag. Then we don't need to move test files 
>to other folder, enough to annotate them. For a start, all SolrCloudTestCase 
>tests could be annotated (are annotations inherited?)
>Then I imagine I'd run unit tests frequently and the whole suite occationally 
>right before merging a large feature.
>It would also be interesting to run only unit tests and then have a look at 
>the JaCoco test coverage stats. I have a suspicion we have not been good 
>enough writing basic unit tests, including for failure and corner cases.
>Don't get me wrong. I think it is crucial to test real, live clusters for a 
>project like Solr, and we should keep the tests (and stabilize them). But we 
>cannot focus only on integration. It is developer hostile :) 
>I'd like a "gradlew test" to take 3-5 minutes, at most. Perhaps "gradlew 
>check" could include integration tests while "test" don't?
>I also know that Mark Miller could write 24 e-mails on this topic and how fast 
>our tests could be. In fact, lightning fast I'm told. But let's not go there 
>in this thread :) Progress over perfection.

Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen

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