Gus said most of what I have to say -- this affects an odd edge case:
explicit positive overrequest _and_ method:enum _and_ limit:-1. This would
be a pretty pathological combination; but even so, the consequence would be
to turn an unlimited (limit:-1) request into a limited one (limit:n, n>=0)
-- it would not be subtle in how that would manifest. So I'll retract my
earlier statement ("I'd be surprised if this turns out to be a blocker for

On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 11:45 AM Gus Heck <> wrote:

> Also this changes my vote to -1
> On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 11:44 AM Gus Heck <> wrote:
>> Some offline discussion indicates that this is more than just SKG and it
>> looks like Michael will look into it, so I've filed
>> as a blocker and
>> assigned to him.
>> On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 11:03 AM Jan Høydahl <>
>> wrote:
>>> Tried some seeds from Jenkins failures for this same test, and found
>>> another reproducible seed: 19DF63E9537FFBA3
>>> On the face of it, it seems like a corner case bug, but could of course
>>> be a generic enum JSON Facet bug that has lived with us for some time?
>>> I'll wait a bit more to gather more insight on this.
>>> Gus, have you created a JIRA?
>>> Jan
>>> 2. mai 2022 kl. 16:01 skrev Gus Heck <>:
>>> I was hoping someone more familiar with SKG's test/code that I found a
>>> failure for might chime in. It looks like it's a case where enum facets are
>>> not producing all results produced for default faceting, which seems
>>> possibly bad, but I am not familiar with this code at all. This probably is
>>> localized to Semantic Knowledge Graphs (which after some digging is what
>>> SKG stands for... be nice if that were in the comments for the class)... so
>>> the question is do we want to release with a known break in that feature I
>>> guess. I'm inclined to say no, but I am certainly not going to be able
>>> to dig into SKG's to fix this in a timely fashion. So I guess the question
>>> is is SKG important enough to someone out there to fix it soon?
>>> Also looks like the code iterates across possible parameter values and
>>> fails on the first one to go wrong so there may be other failure cases for
>>> STREAM or SMART hiding behind this...
>>> -Gus
>>> On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 6:55 AM Jan Høydahl <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> If I close the vote now, it will technically pass with four +1s, one -1
>>>> and one -0. A bit too fragile result IMO.
>>>> I would too like to understand the severity of the configsets bug, and
>>>> whether it is serious enough to stop the release.
>>>> As I understand the issue, it ONLY affects those creating a new
>>>> configset based on another one in ZK.
>>>> I.e. there are many workarounds for this bug
>>>> - Use an authenticated user when creating configset (and not an
>>>> "untrusted" one)
>>>> - Upload a new configset rather than basing it on an existing?
>>>> - Upload configset directly to Zookeeper
>>>> Please verify or shoot down my assumption. If my assumption is correct,
>>>> I'll keep my +1 vote, and wait for a few more +1s before closing the vote.
>>>> If the issue is indeed more serious and there are more -1's, I'll happily
>>>> respin after the fix.
>>>> Jan
>>>> 29. apr. 2022 kl. 21:03 skrev Gus Heck <>:
>>>> -0 for now, pending discussion of severity... I have hit a reproducing
>>>> failure:
>>>>  ./gradlew :solr:core:test --tests
>>>> ""
>>>> -Ptests.jvms=5 -Ptests.jvmargs=-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
>>>> -Ptests.seed=C730F33909C71234 -Ptests.badapples=false
>>>> -Ptests.file.encoding=UTF-8
>>>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 1:28 PM Kevin Risden <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Smoketester passed on the second try for me: SUCCESS! [1:29:24.214674]
>>>>> The first failure was "gradlew :solr:core:test --tests
>>>>> "" -Ptests.jvms=4
>>>>> -Ptests.jvmargs=-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 -Ptests.seed=66730F3AEF630DB6
>>>>> -Ptests.badapples=false -Ptests.file.encoding=US-ASCII". I haven't
>>>>> reproduced it yet.
>>>>> However it looks like the configsets API is broken with one of the
>>>>> simpler examples. Eric Pugh found this the other day and asked me to
>>>>> check on 9.0 RC4:
>>>>> I'm still poking around the release today.
>>>>> Based on the configset api error - I'm -1 for releasing.
>>>>> Kevin Risden
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 11:26 AM Mike Drob <> wrote:
>>>>>> +1 (binding)
>>>>>> Smoketester succeeded with Java 11 and Java 17 -- SUCCESS!
>>>>>> [2:04:03.678208]
>>>>>> Unlike for some others, this succeeded on my first try. I guess I'm
>>>>>> just lucky :)
>>>>>> Tested building an application that uses EmbeddedSolrServer and
>>>>>> depends on our maven artifacts - validated SOLR-16157, SOLR-16117
>>>>>> Tested a mixed state cluster with 8.11.1 and 9.0.0 nodes (no
>>>>>> security). Queries worked as expected.
>>>>>> Tested a rolling upgrade from 8.11.1 to 9.0.0 with basic
>>>>>> authentication enabled. Queries failed (as expected) at first, but then
>>>>>> succeeded when setting solr.pki.sendVersion=v1 and
>>>>>> solr.pki.acceptVersions=v1,v2on the Solr 9 node, as described in our
>>>>>> ref guide and upgrade notes.
>>>>>> Manually checked for license headers in source release, missing
>>>>>> headers on the following:
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> * solr/core/src/resources/SystemCollection*.xml
>>>>>> * lots and lots of stuff under solr-ref-guide, unclear which pieces
>>>>>> of this are our code and which are copied from external sources.
>>>>>> * modules/*/
>>>>>> Will file a follow up JIRA for the license issues.
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 8:15 AM Jan Høydahl <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Please vote for release candidate 4 for Solr 9.0.0
>>>>>>> The artifacts can be downloaded from:
>>>>>>> You can run the smoke tester directly with this command:
>>>>>>> python3 -u dev-tools/scripts/ \
>>>>>>> You are encouraged to do an extra thorough test and manual
>>>>>>> inspection beyond
>>>>>>> running the smoketester, since this is a major release.
>>>>>>> You can build a release-candidate of the official docker image using
>>>>>>> the following command:
>>>>>>> DIST_BASE= && \
>>>>>>> RC_FOLDER=solr-9.0.0-RC4-rev-d6e36d590896755ca962c6d2ddedf78ca4f463cc 
>>>>>>> && \
>>>>>>>   docker build $DIST_BASE/$RC_FOLDER/solr/docker/Dockerfile.official
>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>   --build-arg
>>>>>>> SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL=$DIST_BASE/$RC_FOLDER/solr/solr-9.0.0.tgz \
>>>>>>>   -t solr-rc:9.0.0-4
>>>>>>> The vote will be open for at least 72 hours i.e. until 2022-04-30
>>>>>>> 13:00 UTC.
>>>>>>> [ ] +1  approve
>>>>>>> [ ] +0  no opinion
>>>>>>> [ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)
>>>>>>> Here is my +1
>>>>>>> SUCCESS! [0:56:56.134141]
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