Hi Jason,

My guess would be that this is similar to 
https://lists.apache.org/thread/xt5byqp1s0qo2833lgvh036bojpspd8f i.e. 
SimpleOrderedMap vs. NamedList.

Hope that helps.


From: dev@solr.apache.org At: 11/04/22 16:02:05 UTCTo:  dev@solr.apache.org
Subject: LISTSNAPSHOT response format: bug or intentional?

Hey all,

I was playing with Solr's "snapshot" APIs recently and noticed that
the JSON response returned by /admin/collections?action=LISTSNAPSHOT
is suspiciously quirky.  The response content takes what look pretty
clearly to be name/value pairs and serializes them as sibling elements
within a JSON array.



(The snippet above is partial.  See pastebin link for the full output
and steps to reproduce.)

I'm happy to take a crack at improving this but wanted to check first
whether this might actually be intentional (and therefore something we
want to maintain backcompat on).

Appreciate any clarity or context anyone can offer.



[1] Pastebin: https://paste.apache.org/opjl6

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