You used the word "scroll" a lot.  Can you elaborate?
Search is generally optimized for returning top-X where X is not large.  My
suspicion is that you want lots of results back.  You might want to use
cursorMark as described here:
 On the other hand if you have only one Solr core, then maybe it doesn't
matter relative to a massive rows param.

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 10:34 AM Fikavec F <> wrote:

> I'm installed Solr 8.11.1 (SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms31g -Xmx31g") into ram disk
> in hi-performance server with 10-Gigabit network adapters. Jumbo Frames
> (MTU) enabled and sets to 9000, linux core tcp buffers tunned for
> 10-Gigabit network (/etc/sysctl.conf):
>    - net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 8192 87380 134217728
>    - net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 8192 65536 134217728
>    - net.core.optmem_max = 268435456
>    - net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf = 1
>    - net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1
>    - net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0
>    - net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0
>    - net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 300000
>    - net.core.somaxconn = 8192
>    - net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 8192
> Network Throughput with this server tested with iPerf and stable works on
> 9 Gigabit+ speed.
> 2. Client works with Solr without gzip compression:
>    -
>    Set HTTP header - Accept-Encoding: '';
> But data recieving speed on simple solr scroll with query *:* on 250Gb
> collection (10 shards) by id never speeds up 200 Megabits without jetty
> tuning and 350 Megabits with jetty tuning (10GB files from tuned solr jetty
> (like /mnt/ramdisk/solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp/testfile.bin) downloads
> at 1200+ Megabits but from nginx at this server they downloads at 9
> Gigabit+ - Jetty slower nginx, but why solr scroll works 4x slower his
> jetty server?)
> 3. In jetty.xml i'm tried to set bigger buffer (128MB):
>    - <Set name="outputBufferSize"><Property
>    name="solr.jetty.output.buffer.size" default="134217728" /></Set> - and
>    with big search size (512 000) data recieving speedups to 350 Megabits, but
>    the intervals between the scrolls remain large and, as a result, the total
>    full collection scroll data recieve speed is small.
>    - tune this option not speedups too - <Set
>    name="outputAggregationSize"><Property
>    name="solr.jetty.output.aggregation.size" default="8192" /></Set> and >=
>    128MB may throw Solr OOM.
> I'm have not bottleneck in ramdisk, cpu, or network - while scrolling
> system loads a little. I also tried to put data in one collection and
> optimize it - the speed limit is the same in diffferent responce writes
> (json, xml, csv, python).
> In network calculator (
> 350 Megabits is theoretical maximum with TCP buffer size=8Kb (BW 10000
> Mbps; RTT <= 0.2; TCP buffer size 8Kb)
> In source code (
> )
> I'm found untunable buffer size = 8192 (22 - 27 lines, 8Kb) and think that
> this is problem for 1Gigabit+ networks:
> /** Single threaded BufferedWriter Internal Solr use only, subject to
> change. */
> public class FastWriter extends Writer {
>   // use default BUFSIZE of BufferedWriter so if we wrap that
>   // it won't cause double buffering.
>   private static final int BUFSIZE = 8192;
>   protected final Writer sink;
> Please make this buffer tunable or tell me how tune Solr for fastest
> single thread full big collection data receiving on 1Gigabit+ networks.
> Best Regards,

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