Hello everyone,

This is kind of a long-time coming, but I've finally created a SIP for
autoscaling Solr Nodes on Kubernetes using the Solr Operator.


There are still some details that need to be ironed out, but hopefully we
can finalize everything relatively soon and try to get this out in Solr
9.3/9.4 and the Solr Operator v0.8.0.

I've talked with quite a few people about this, so hopefully we can get a
good amount of turn-out to get this implemented! And if anyone is
interested in helping with the Solr Operator parts, I'd be very happy to
mentor. It's not going to be the most straightforward code, but you will
definitely be ramped up on contributing to the operator by the end!

Please let me know if I can answer any questions!

- Houston

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