Please vote for release candidate 1 for the Solr Operator v0.7.0

The artifacts can be downloaded from:

You can run the full smoke tester, with instructions below.
However, it is also encouraged to go and use the artifacts yourself in a
test Kubernetes cluster.
The smoke tester does not require you to download or install the RC
artifacts before running.
If you plan on just running the smoke tests, then ignore all other

The artifacts are layed out in the following way:
  * solr-operator-v0.7.0.tgz - Contains the source release
  * crds/ - Contains the CRD files
  * helm-charts/ - Contains the Helm release packages

The RC Docker image can be found at:

The RC Helm repo can be added with:
  helm repo add apache-solr-rc

You can install the RC Solr Operator and Solr CRDs and an example Solr
Cloud with:
  curl -sL0 ""; | gpg
--import --quiet
  # This will export your public keys into a format that helm can
  # Skip verification by removing "--verify" in the helm command below.
  if ! (gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring=~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg --list-keys
"98F3F6EC"); then gpg --export >~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg; fi
  kubectl create -f
|| \
    kubectl replace -f
  helm install --verify solr-operator apache-solr-rc/solr-operator --set
  helm install --verify example apache-solr-rc/solr

You can run the full smoke tester directly with this command: (First
checkout the release-0.7 branch of the solr-operator)

# First clear your go-mod cache to make sure old cache entries don't cause
smoke test failures
make mod-clean
./hack/release/smoke_test/ -v "v0.7.0" -s "0e16c6b" -i
"apache/solr-operator:v0.7.0-rc1" -g "98F3F6EC" \
    -l '

If you want to run the smoke test with a specific version of kubernetes,
use the -k option with a full version tag. (e.g. -k v1.21.14)
If you want to run the smoke test with a custom version of solr, use the -t
option with an official Solr image version. (e.g. -t 8.11.2)
  However, for this smoke test, you must use a solr version that supports
incremental backups. (i.e. 8.9+)

Make sure you have the following installed before running the smoke test:
  - Docker (Give it enough memory and CPU to run ~12 containers, 3 of which
are Solr nodes)
    More information on required resources can be found here:
  - Go 1.19
  - Kubectl
  - GnuPG
  - Helm v3.4.0+
  - Kustomize (v4.0.0+) This will be installed for you, but NOT upgraded if
a lower version is already installed.
  - yq
  - jq
  - coreutils (if using Mac OS)

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours i.e. until 2023-04-24 20:00 UTC.

[ ] +1  approve
[ ] +0  no opinion
[ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)

Here is my +1

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