Dear Team,

I am reaching out to seek your guidance on Solr highlighting. Currently, I
am working with Solr 8.11.2 and using the original highlighter as default.
However, I have a requirement to return the paragraph in which the
highlighted term is found.

I have gone through various sites and used different AI tools to set the
fragsize to a particular distance and snippets, but none of them matched my
requirements. As a fresher and new to Solr, I am seeking your help in
providing me with the necessary guidance.

I have a few questions that I hope you can help me with:

1. Is it possible to return the paragraph in which the searched term is
2. If it is possible in Solr 8.11.2, how can I achieve it?
3. Is it possible in any other versions of Solr?

I would greatly appreciate your help in finding the answer to my question.
Your response and suggestions are warmly welcomed.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Vivek Mandlik

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