Sounds like a nice improvement suggestion.  JIRA issue & PR welcome :-)

Note that you could probably just use some system properties today:

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 5:32 PM Karl-Johan Karlberg <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just attepted to upgrade to solrj-9.x realized a few compiler errors on of
> witch I have a suggestion for,
> The thing that breaks is that we used to provide our own HttpClient for
> communication with solr. Looked something like:
> HttpClient getHttpClient() {
>         try {
>     …. lots of code setting up a HttpClient …
>         }
> }
> With all the flexibility of the HttpClient. Now this changed to the far
> less cluttery;
> CloudSolrClient toRet = new CloudSolrClient.Builder(zkHosts,
> Optional.empty())
>         .withInternalClientBuilder(httpClientBuilder)
>         .build();
> With a httpClientBuilder
> Http2SolrClient.Builder httpClientBuilder = new Http2SolrClient.Builder()
>         .withBasicAuthCredentials(username, password)
>         .withSSLConfig(sslConfig);
> If I understood the migration path correctly. And makes my code very much
> easier to read.
> HOWEVER, sure it had to be a “however”, right…
> The “sslConfig” feels sort of primitive a crude as its a simple java
> object that takes a bunch of strings:
> public SSLConfig(boolean useSsl, boolean clientAuth, String keyStore,
> String keyStorePassword, String trustStore, String trustStorePassword) {
>     this.useSsl = useSsl;
>     this.clientAuth = clientAuth;
>     this.keyStore = keyStore;
>     this.keyStorePassword = keyStorePassword;
>     this.trustStore = trustStore;
>     this.trustStorePassword = trustStorePassword;
> }
> The issue we have is that we have fancy tooling that works with keystores
> and lets users get hold of the java Keysore object directly (and truststore
> for that matter) without needing to keep these things lying around on disks.
> My suggestion here is to be able to construct the SslConfig object with
> keystores directly like:
> public SSLConfig(KeyStore keyStore, KeyStore trustStore) {
>     this.javaKeyStore = keyStore;
>     this.javaTrustStore = trustStore;
> }
> And make it fancy and non-breaking and all that. If I read correctly the
> SslContext object is used to “hand build” the jks from disk and allowing
> the user of solrj provide standard java keystores would be fantastic (at
> least for us)
> Kind regards,
> Kalle Karlberg

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