This would be cleared up if we change LuceneTestCase?
~ David

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 4:26 PM Chris Hostetter <>

> Begin Rant...
> $ tail -6 ./gradle/validation/forbidden-apis/junit.junit.all.txt
> junit.framework.TestCase @ All classes should derive from LuceneTestCase
> junit.framework.Assert @ Use org.junit.Assert
> junit.framework.** @ Use org.junit
> org.junit.Assert#assertThat(**) @ Use
> org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat()
> org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers @ Use org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers
> org.junit.rules.ExpectedException @ Use Assert.assertThrows
> So all test classes should:
>   - derive from LuceneTestCase (agreed)
>   - use org.junit.Assert instead of junit.framework.Assert (fair enough)
>   - use MatcherAssert.assertThat() instead of Assert.assertThat() ...
> ...ok, i guess?  ... except that LuceneTestCase extends Assert, giving us
> Assert.assertThat() for free.  Kind of anoying to have to go out of our
> way to import another class to do the same thing.
> But also ... you can't just use...
>   import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
> ...because (assuming you're following best practices) you're already
> inheriting from LuceneTestCase, so that static import is going to be
> unused since it conflicts with the inherited 'assertThat' -- or at least
> that's what ecjLintTest tells you ... i'm not 100% certain it's correct,
> but either way you can't use it because it will fails the build.
> So your only recourse is to use...
>   import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
> ...and now instead of lots of nice short 'assertThat(...)' method calls
> you have to use the twice as long 'MatcherAssert.assertThat', which is
> probably going to make spotless decide your assertions needs to span at
> least one extra line (assuming you are using descriptive variable names)
> All because we don't want want devs to use a (deprecated) method
> that's indirectly inherited from an ancestor of a baseclass we tell them
> to use.
> Which begs the questions:
> - What is so terrible about the impl of Assert.assertThat?
> - What evil does it contain that makes it completely unssuitable for use?
> Let's go find out what exactly we are asking forbidden-apis to
> shield us from...
>      public static <T> void assertThat(String reason, T actual,
>              Matcher<? super T> matcher) {
>          MatcherAssert.assertThat(reason, actual, matcher);
>      }
> ...oh dear lord ... what sweet horror is this??!?!?!!?
> Thank heavens we were wise enough to protect ourselves from this
> unspeakably dangerous code!
> -Hoss
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