On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 9:49 AM Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > Using this one as an example; what would you propose?:
> > * solr.shardSplit.checkDiskSpace.enabled
> The "solr.shardSplit.checkDiskSpace.enabled" prop is one of the better.
> But say we standardized the first component layer to be one of "query",
> "index", "collection", "schema", "cluster", "node" or whatever set of
> top-level components make sense. Then I guess shard split would be
> "solr.collection.shard.split.checkDiskSpace.enabled" or similar. However, I
> find it hard to find good generic top-level categories for Solr that are
> consise and no overlapping.

So the module can't be camel-case but checkDiskSpace can?  What about
hyphens in a sys prop, mapped to an underscore in an env var?

> "solr.collection.shard.split.checkDiskSpace.enabled"

Not bad.
I bet it's hard to find good generic top-level categories.    Feel free to
take a stab at this and share for review.  It doesn't need to be perfect,
just not nausea inducing :-)

> > Are you saying the camel case is a problem?
> No necessarily. The concern was that there should be a well-defined way to
> translate an SOLR_ENV_VAR into system property, so we don't need to touch
> bin/solr[.cmd] every single time. And it would be hard for an algorithm to
> know that it should translate SOLR_SHARD_SPLIT_CHECK_DISK_SPACE_ENABLED
> env.var into the exact combination of dot separation and camelCase used
> above. An alternative could be using a combination of underscore and dash,
> such as "SOLR_SHARD-SPLIT_CHECK-DISK-SPACE_ENABLED", where we translate
> underscore with dot and dash with Camelcase. We'd need to disallow dash in
> property names then...

Alternatively simply normalize both sys props and env vars using the same
scheme.  In theory it would allow crazy variation but if we only document
each named toggle a certain way then it doesn't matter.

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