With the input and feedback from the virtual meetup I'd like to wrap up the
current progress with a couple of references:

*Figma Design*
I have created a Figma design (WIP)
that represents the new UI, inspired by the current documentation style and
webapp. I have already received some community feedback via Slack
<https://apachesolr.slack.com/archives/C01GVPZSSK0/p1718289047297999> and
will share it the next few days in the users mailing list, as proposed in
the meetup, to get further feedback. The designs are far from final, but
can be used as a starting point for discussions.

The figma file includes references to Jira issues that are addressed with
the new design ideas. Elements from the current UI are restructured,
replaced or even completely removed. I've done this by following some
thoughts of improvement I had, so some changes may not be practical and may
be updated. Note that the current focus of the new UI is not to add new
features, but rather include features that the current UI has and are
useful, so that it can at some point replace the EOL UI implementation.
Once we have a good foundation and have replaced the old UI, we can plan
new features (IMO).

*Compose Implementation*
I've already started implementing the UI as a proof-of-concept
<https://github.com/malliaridis/solr/tree/composeui> with Compose
Multiplatform. I started with the environment section
that displays version information, java properties and command line
arguments in one place. The implementation includes the base for the UI
module and one screen.

The goal of the current proof-of-concept is to keep the changes simple and
focused to a single use case, so that it is possible to decide whether we
want to proceed with this framework or not. Therefore, many elements are
not implemented yet or not working correctly (even the styling is not
finished). If you think further elements are necessary to make a decision,
let me know so that I can have a look into it.

The new UI works with localhost:8983 (without auth) and is automatically
built and distributed together with the current webapp via `gradlew dev` and
after launching a solr instance (build times may be optimized and may take
longer during the first build of the new UI). A button has been added in
the java properties tab of the current UI (see top right corner) to
demonstrate how the linking would work during the migration phase. The new
UI can also be launched as a desktop app via `gradlew :solr:compose-ui:run`.

I've also added a couple of resources for getting started in dev-docs/ui
<https://github.com/malliaridis/solr/tree/composeui/dev-docs/ui>, but I am
not a good writer so it is kept simple and some parts are written with
ChatGPT's support.

*Next Actions**For the designs* I'd like to gather more input from
experienced Solr users and developers, because I haven't used Solr in
production yet and have no clue if the designs would still be good and work
out for larger clusters and real-world scenarios. You can include
references to specific sections for your feedback by providing the page +
screen title or by selecting the element in the left menu and copying a
link via "Copy as -> Copy link to selection". Sadly, feedback via Figma
comments is not available in the free plan and also not available if the
designs are published to the Figma Community.

If you have a better way for gathering feedback for the designs, please let
me know.

*For the implementation* I'd like to know from the committers how
comfortable they feel with the code base for the new UI. Input about code
complexity, code readability and suitability of the framework in the
overall Solr project would be helpful to decide whether we could proceed
with this framework or not.

*P.S. Excuse me for the overwhelmingly long message again.*

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