Hash: SHA1

Builds and tests ok for me.


Justin Mason wrote:
> by the way, minotaur is having hardware problems, apparently so this
> tarball may be hard to get at intermittently :(
> +1 from me
> --j.
> Theo Van Dinter writes:
>> Hi --
>> 3.1.10 tarballs are available for testing:
>> http://people.apache.org/~felicity/3110/
>> By the way: per ASF policies, only PMC member votes are binding for
>> a release, but we encourage everyone to download, test, and report
>> any issues!
>> my vote: +1.
>> BTW: my proposed release announcement is as follows:
>> -----
>> To: users, dev, announce
>> Subject: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.1.10 available!
>> Apache SpamAssassin 3.1.10 is now available!  This is a maintenance and
>> security release of the 3.1.x branch.  It is highly recommended that
>> people upgrade to this version from 3.0.x or 3.1.x.
>> Downloads are available from:
>>    http://spamassassin.apache.org/downloads.cgi?update=200707111806
>> The release file will also be available via CPAN in the near future.
>>   md5sum of archive files:
>>   4ba3434677d33dcee034a41304ba9e3f  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.10.tar.bz2
>>   b6f38d18c32fb41380f2b70e8f829528  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.10.tar.gz
>>   6898f930631f4adc8ed8d934a20766f0  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.10.zip
>>   sha1sum of archive files:
>>   bd498a6b18ba0d4d94b342981f61f5d7139969bd  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.10.tar.bz2
>>   dd2606597cf51fde24169f59031741f162b4e6be  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.10.tar.gz
>>   b7a42e2049f1ba91a047b17d4447204efc62f642  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.10.zip
>> The release files also have a .asc accompanying them.  The file serves
>> as an external GPG signature for the given release file.  The signing
>> key is available via the wwwkeys.pgp.net key server, as well as
>> http://spamassassin.apache.org/released/GPG-SIGNING-KEY
>> The key information is:
>> pub  1024D/265FA05B 2003-06-09 SpamAssassin Signing Key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>       Key fingerprint = 26C9 00A4 6DD4 0CD5 AD24  F6D7 DEE0 1987 265F A05B
>> 3.1.10 is a minor bug-fix release.  The major highlights are:
>> bug 5336: allow for no input specification to sa-learn to work as stdin
>> bug 5355: add in new entries for RegistrarBoundaries
>> -----
>> -- 
>> Randomly Selected Tagline:
>> Fry: "They're great! They're like sex except I'm having them."

- --


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