On 06/21/2013 08:03 PM, Mark Martinec wrote:
Was distracted by Bug 6945 and other duties yesterday so
I didn't yet prepare other contributions for the announcement
text. Will do so, but for RC2 it's alright as it is.

[...] though I would be fine with README and similar
text/grammatical/reformatting changes.

Did some more editing on my changes section, but it's still
largely unfinished. Just to let you (all) see what I'm up to,
I added it to the repository:

   Folded-in unfinished additional text into PROPOSED-3.4.0.txt,
   limit line length to 75 chars
     Sending build/announcements/PROPOSED-3.4.0.txt
   Committed revision 1495521.

Will work on it later. Suggestion, comments, edits are welcome.
It's still quite a large chunk of text. While scrambling to make it
shorter it keeps growing :)

"New configuration options"

Imo - these should be documented:


blacklist_uri_host  example.net
blacklist_uri_host  somehost.example.net

whitelist_uri_host  example.org
whitelist_uri_host  somehost.example.org


- Disable lookups for a specific DNS list (instead of zeroing out rules)

dns_query_restriction deny  someBL.example.org

 - If possible some minimal rule samples for

"added the following sub-options to the tflags setting"
autolearn_force, maxhits=N, ips_only, domains_only, a, ns.

A lot of features like these remain unused because they're either very hidden or not loudly documented with sample rules.


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