
> i'm trying to run 3.4.0-rc5 on my test machine, but when I run:
> /usr/sbin/spamd -D -r /var/run/spamd.pid -m 10 -u qscand -s null --timeout-
child=105 -l --nouser-config --max-conn-per-child=100 --round-robin

Good. Thanks for giving a try.
> it starts infinite loop of child creation (see log attached).


> Probably I'm missing something, because when -i only is 
> speciefied it starts normally. Same for [::1]. But together it doesn't 
> work for me.

It doesn't seem you are missing anything.

Kevin writes:
| My first thought is are you using  IO::Socket::IP?  If not, I think that 
| will be a requirement for both ipv6 and ipv4 at the same time. Please 
| install that module and try again.

> [37832] info: spamd: server started on
>   IO::Socket::IP []:783, IO::Socket::IP [::1]:783
>   (running version 3.4.0-rc5)

The log shows the IO::Socket::IP is being used, good!

It principle it should also work with older IO::Socket::INET6,
but the  IO::Socket::IP is much preferred.

> Jan 28 17:49:52.069 [37837] warn: spamd: error: oops?
>   accept_a_conn: no fds ready at /usr/sbin/spamd line 1427.

Could you please try two things:

* add options:
    -s stderr -D all,norules,noconfig,nobayes,nodcc,noauto-whitelist,noplugin
  to your spamd command and see if we are getting any more informative log

* when spamd master process starts (and child processes are struggling
  to connect to it), pick its PID (in the log) and check with lsof on what
  sockets it is listening - something like:  lsof -Pn -p 37832

  You may even try connecting to these sockets using telnet.
  An empty line entered should produce an error message from spamd,

$ telnet 783
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

SPAMD/1.0 76 Bad header line:
Connection closed by foreign host.

$ telnet ::1 783
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

SPAMD/1.0 76 Bad header line:
Connection closed by foreign host.


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