Could someone who understands the scoring logic used by the perceptron or GA please comment on why this rule (and others like it) are only being scored at 0.01?

I would think that a rule which hits nothing but spam (S/O 1.00), and whose hits are 70% on spam scoring below 5 points, would be scored at 2 or 3 points regardless of how many actual hits it gets...

Does it just take some time for the perceptron to get "primed" and start scoring rules once the corpora are of sufficient size? Because there are older rules with similar profiles that are being scored.

I've observed that a lot of high-S/O rules that hit well on low-scoring spam but that don't necessarily hit a lot of spam are assigned very low scores, such that they don't appear to help much in pushing those low-scoring spams towards the threshold. Many aren't being scored at all and thus aren't being published.

I haven't started digging into the scoring code yet; is there some bias based on the number of overall hits a rule gets, or the highest score on messages the rule hits, that would tend to impose a seemingly unreasonably low limit on the generated score?

I'd rather not have to resort to hitting the masscheck system over the head with the "tflags publish" cluebat, but I will if it keeps ignoring these rules.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ              FALaholic #11174     pgpk -a
 key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  The difference is that Unix has had thirty years of technical
  types demanding basic functionality of it. And the Macintosh has
  had fifteen years of interface fascist users shaping its progress.
  Windows has the hairpin turns of the Microsoft marketing machine
  and that's all.                                    -- Red Drag Diva
 8 days until Thomas Jefferson's 271st Birthday

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