On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Sean Owen <so...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> I also favor Maven. I don't the the logic is "because it's common". As
> Sandy says, it's because of the things that brings: more plugins,
> easier to consume by more developers, etc. These are, however, just
> some reasons 'for', and have to be considered against the other pros
> and cons.

There's nothing wrong with "because it's more common" as a reason - it just
isn't the strongest argument.

I tend to use both - I use sbt when trying to fix syntax problems or test
failures, since it gives me a quicker turn-around in the compiler phase,
but I switch to maven once I have those fixed and need to do a real build -
I find maven quicker and more reliable there (though the later is probably
more due to my own unfamiliarity with sbt)

So my vote would definitely be, if we can find some way of reliably keeping
both, I would very much prefer to do so.

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