Good news, we will see the official version containing JDBC in very soon! 

Also, I have several pending PRs, can anyone continue the review process in 
this week?

Avoid overwriting already-set SPARK_HOME in spark-submit:

fix locality inversion bug in TaskSetManager: (Matei and Mridulm are working on it)

Allow multiple executor per worker in Standalone mode: 

Ensure actor is self-contained  in DAGScheduler:


Nan Zhu

On Sunday, July 27, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Patrick Wendell wrote:

> Hey All,
> Just a heads up, we'll cut branch-1.1 on this Friday, August 1st. Once
> the release branch is cut we'll start community QA and go into the
> normal triage process for merging patches into that branch.
> For Spark core, we'll be conservative in merging things past the
> freeze date (e.g. high priority fixes) to ensure a healthy amount of
> time for testing. A key focus of this release in core is improving
> overall stability and resilience of Spark core.
> As always, I'll encourage of committers/contributors to help review
> patches this week to so we can get as many things in as possible.
> People have been quite active recently, which is great!
> Good luck!
> - Patrick

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