On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Kay Ousterhout <k...@eecs.berkeley.edu>

> This also happens when something accidentally gets merged after the tests
> have started but before tests have passed.

Some improvements to SparkQA <https://github.com/SparkQA> could help with
this. May I suggest:

   1. Include the commit hash in the "tests have started/completed"
   messages, so that it's clear what code exactly is/has been tested for each
   test cycle.
   2. "Pin" a message to the start or end of the PR that is updated with
   the status of the PR. "Testing not complete"; "New commits since last
   test"; "Tests failed"; etc. It should be easy for committers to get the
   status of the PR at a glance, without scrolling through the comment history.


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