One thing is you need to do a "maven package" before you run tests.
The "local-cluster" tests depend on Spark already being packaged.

- Patrick

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Niklas Wilcke
<> wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> thanks for your reply. The tests still don't work. I focused on the
> mllib and core tests and made some observations.
> The core tests seems to fail because of my german locale. Some tests are
> locale dependend like the
> UtilsSuite.scala
>  - "string formatting of time durations" - checks for locale dependend
> seperators like "." and ","
>  - "isBindCollision" - checks for the locale dependend exception message
> In the MLlib it seems to be just one source of failure. The same
> Exception I described in my first mail appears several times in
> different tests.
> The reason for all the similar failures is the line 29 in
> LocalClusterSparkContext.scala.
> When I change the line
> .setMaster("local-cluster[2, 1, 512]")
> to
> .setMaster("local")
> all tests run without a failure. The local-cluster mode seems to be the
> reason for the failure. I tried some different configurations like
> [1,1,512], [2,1,1024] etc. but couldn't get the tests run without a failure.
> Could this be a configuration issue?
> On 28.10.2014 19:03, Sean Owen wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Niklas Wilcke
>> <> wrote:
>>> 1. via dev/run-tests script
>>>     This script executes all tests and take several hours to finish.
>>> Some tests failed but I can't say which of them. Should this really take
>>> that long? Can I specify to run only MLlib tests?
>> Yes, running all tests takes a long long time. It does print which
>> tests failed, and you can see the errors in the test output.
>> Did you read 
>> ? This shows how to run just one test suite.
>> In any Maven project you can try things like "mvn test -pl [module]"
>> to run just one module's tests.
> Yes I tried that as described below at point 2.
>>> 2. directly via maven
>>> I did the following described in the docs [0].
>>> export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=512M
>>> -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m"
>>> mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.3 -DskipTests -Phive clean package
>>> mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.3 -Phive test
>>> This also doesn't work.
>>> Why do I have to package spark bevore running the tests?
>> What doesn't work?
>> Some tests use the built assembly, which requires packaging.
> I get the same Exceptions as in every other way.
>>> 3. via sbt
>>> I tried the following. I freshly cloned spark and checked out the tag
>>> v1.1.0-rc4.
>>> sbt/sbt "project mllib" test
>>> and get the following exception in several cluster tests.
>>> [info] - task size should be small in both training and prediction ***
>>> FAILED ***
>> This just looks like a flaky test failure; I'd try again.
> I don't think so. I tried for several times now in several different ways.
> Thanks,
> Niklas
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