With my ASF Member hat on, I fully agree with Greg.

As he points out, this is an anti-pattern in the ASF and is severely frowned 

We, in Hadoop, had a similar trajectory where we had were politely told to go 
away from having sub-project committers (HDFS, MapReduce etc.) to a common list 
of committers. There were some concerns initially, but we have successfully 
managed to work together and build a more healthy community as a result of 
following the advice on the ASF Way.

I do have sympathy for good oversight etc. as the project grows and attracts 
many contributors - it's essentially the need to have smaller, well-knit 
developer communities. One way to achieve that would be to have separate TLPs  
(e.g. Spark, MLLIB, GraphX) with separate committer lists for each representing 
the appropriate community. Hadoop went a similar route where we had Pig, Hive, 
HBase etc. as sub-projects initially and then split them into TLPs with more 
focussed communities to the benefit of everyone. Maybe you guys want to try 
this too?


Few more observations:
# In general, *discussions* on project directions (such as new concept of 
*maintainers*) should happen first on the public lists *before* voting, not in 
the private PMC list.
# If you chose to go this route in spite of this advice, seems to me Spark 
would be better of having more maintainers per component (at least 4-5), 
probably with a lot more diversity in terms of affiliations. Not sure if that 
is a concern - do you have good diversity in the proposed list? This will 
ensure that there are no concerns about a dominant employer controlling a 


Hope this helps - we've gone through similar journey, got through similar 
issues and fully embraced the Apache Way (™) as Greg points out to our benefit.


On Nov 6, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> -1 (non-binding)
> This is an idea that runs COMPLETELY counter to the Apache Way, and is
> to be severely frowned up. This creates *unequal* ownership of the
> codebase.
> Each Member of the PMC should have *equal* rights to all areas of the
> codebase until their purview. It should not be subjected to others'
> "ownership" except throught the standard mechanisms of reviews and
> if/when absolutely necessary, to vetos.
> Apache does not want "leads", "benevolent dictators" or "assigned
> maintainers", no matter how you may dress it up with multiple
> maintainers per component. The fact is that this creates an unequal
> level of ownership and responsibility. The Board has shut down
> projects that attempted or allowed for "Leads". Just a few months ago,
> there was a problem with somebody calling themself a "Lead".
> I don't know why you suggest that Apache Subversion does this. We
> absolutely do not. Never have. Never will. The Subversion codebase is
> owned by all of us, and we all care for every line of it. Some people
> know more than others, of course. But any one of us, can change any
> part, without being subjected to a "maintainer". Of course, we ask
> people with more knowledge of the component when we feel
> uncomfortable, but we also know when it is safe or not to make a
> specific change. And *always*, our fellow committers can review our
> work and let us know when we've done something wrong.
> Equal ownership reduces fiefdoms, enhances a feeling of community and
> project ownership, and creates a more open and inviting project.
> So again: -1 on this entire concept. Not good, to be polite.
> Regards,
> Greg Stein
> Director, Vice Chairman
> Apache Software Foundation
> On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 05:31:58PM -0800, Matei Zaharia wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wanted to share a discussion we've been having on the PMC list, as well as 
>> call for an official vote on it on a public list. Basically, as the Spark 
>> project scales up, we need to define a model to make sure there is still 
>> great oversight of key components (in particular internal architecture and 
>> public APIs), and to this end I've proposed implementing a maintainer model 
>> for some of these components, similar to other large projects.
>> As background on this, Spark has grown a lot since joining Apache. We've had 
>> over 80 contributors/month for the past 3 months, which I believe makes us 
>> the most active project in contributors/month at Apache, as well as over 500 
>> patches/month. The codebase has also grown significantly, with new libraries 
>> for SQL, ML, graphs and more.
>> In this kind of large project, one common way to scale development is to 
>> assign "maintainers" to oversee key components, where each patch to that 
>> component needs to get sign-off from at least one of its maintainers. Most 
>> existing large projects do this -- at Apache, some large ones with this 
>> model are CloudStack (the second-most active project overall), Subversion, 
>> and Kafka, and other examples include Linux and Python. This is also 
>> by-and-large how Spark operates today -- most components have a de-facto 
>> maintainer.
>> IMO, adopting this model would have two benefits:
>> 1) Consistent oversight of design for that component, especially regarding 
>> architecture and API. This process would ensure that the component's 
>> maintainers see all proposed changes and consider them to fit together in a 
>> good way.
>> 2) More structure for new contributors and committers -- in particular, it 
>> would be easy to look up who’s responsible for each module and ask them for 
>> reviews, etc, rather than having patches slip between the cracks.
>> We'd like to start with in a light-weight manner, where the model only 
>> applies to certain key components (e.g. scheduler, shuffle) and user-facing 
>> APIs (MLlib, GraphX, etc). Over time, as the project grows, we can expand it 
>> if we deem it useful. The specific mechanics would be as follows:
>> - Some components in Spark will have maintainers assigned to them, where one 
>> of the maintainers needs to sign off on each patch to the component.
>> - Each component with maintainers will have at least 2 maintainers.
>> - Maintainers will be assigned from the most active and knowledgeable 
>> committers on that component by the PMC. The PMC can vote to add / remove 
>> maintainers, and maintained components, through consensus.
>> - Maintainers are expected to be active in responding to patches for their 
>> components, though they do not need to be the main reviewers for them (e.g. 
>> they might just sign off on architecture / API). To prevent inactive 
>> maintainers from blocking the project, if a maintainer isn't responding in a 
>> reasonable time period (say 2 weeks), other committers can merge the patch, 
>> and the PMC will want to discuss adding another maintainer.
>> If you'd like to see examples for this model, check out the following 
>> projects:
>> - CloudStack: 
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Maintainers+Guide
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Maintainers+Guide>
>> - Subversion: https://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/roles.html 
>> <https://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/roles.html>
>> Finally, I wanted to list our current proposal for initial components and 
>> maintainers. It would be good to get feedback on other components we might 
>> add, but please note that personnel discussions (e.g. "I don't think Matei 
>> should maintain *that* component) should only happen on the private list. 
>> The initial components were chosen to include all public APIs and the main 
>> core components, and the maintainers were chosen from the most active 
>> contributors to those modules.
>> - Spark core public API: Matei, Patrick, Reynold
>> - Job scheduler: Matei, Kay, Patrick
>> - Shuffle and network: Reynold, Aaron, Matei
>> - Block manager: Reynold, Aaron
>> - YARN: Tom, Andrew Or
>> - Python: Josh, Matei
>> - MLlib: Xiangrui, Matei
>> - SQL: Michael, Reynold
>> - Streaming: TD, Matei
>> - GraphX: Ankur, Joey, Reynold
>> I'd like to formally call a [VOTE] on this model, to last 72 hours. The 
>> [VOTE] will end on Nov 8, 2014 at 6 PM PST.
>> Matei
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