Interesting, perhaps we could publish each one with two IDs, of which the rc 
one is unofficial. The problem is indeed that you have to vote on a hash for a 
potentially final artifact.


> On Nov 23, 2014, at 7:54 PM, Stephen Haberman <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to try 1.1.1-rc2 because we're running into SPARK-3633, but
> the"rc" releases not being tagged with "-rcX" means the pre-built artifacts
> are basically useless to me.
> (Pedantically, to test a release, I have to upload it into our internal
> repo, to compile jobs, start clusters, etc. Invariably when an rcX artifact
> ends up not being final, then I'm screwed, because I would have to clear
> the local cache of any of our machines, dev/Jenkins/etc., that ever
> downloaded the "formerly known as 1.1.1 but not really" rc artifacts.)
> What's frustrating is that I know other Apache projects do rc releases, and
> even get them into Maven central, e.g.:
> So, I apologize for the distraction from getting real work done, but
> perhaps you guys could find a creative way to work around the
> well-intentioned mandate on artifact voting?
> (E.g. perhaps have multiple votes, one for each successive rc (with -rcX
> suffix), then, once blessed, another one on the actually-final/no-rcX
> artifact (built from the last rc's tag); or publish no-rcX artifacts for
> official voting, as today, but then, at the same time, add -rcX artifacts
> to Maven central for non-binding/3rd party testing, etc.)
> Thanks,
> Stephen

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