Every time we run a test cycle on our Jenkins cluster, we generate hundreds of XML reports covering all the tests we have (e.g. `streaming/target/test-reports/org.apache.spark.streaming.util.WriteAheadLogSuite.xml`).
These reports contain interesting information about whether tests succeeded or failed, and how long they took to complete. There is also detailed information about the environment they ran in. It might be valuable to have a window into all these reports across all Jenkins builds and across all time, and use that to track basic statistics about our tests. That could give us basic insight into what tests are flaky or slow, and perhaps drive other improvements to our testing infrastructure that we can't see just yet. Do people think that would be valuable? Do we already have something like this? I'm thinking for starters it might be cool if we automatically uploaded all the XML test reports from the Master and the Pull Request builders to an S3 bucket and just opened it up for the dev community to analyze. Nick