Depends on what the other side is doing. You can create your own RDD
implementation by subclassing RDD, or it might work if you use
sc.parallelize(1 to n, n).mapPartitionsWithIndex( /* code to read the data
and return an iterator */ ) where n is the number of partitions.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 12:51 AM, Niranda Perera <>

> Hi,
> We have a custom datasources API, which connects to various data sources
> and exposes them out as a common API. We are now trying to implement the
> Spark datasources API released in 1.2.0 to connect Spark for analytics.
> Looking at the sources API, we figured out that we should extend a scan
> class (table scan etc). While doing so, we would have to implement the
> 'schema' and 'buildScan' methods.
> say, we can infer the schema of the underlying data and take data out as
> Row elements. Is there any way we could create RDD[Row] (needed in the
> buildScan method) using these Row elements?
> Cheers
> --
> Niranda

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