Does anyone here have experience with Pants
<> or interest in trying to build
Spark with it?

Pants has an interesting story. It was born at Twitter to help them build
their Scala, Java, and Python projects as several independent components in
one monolithic repo. (It was inspired by a similar build tool at Google
called blaze.) The mix of languages and sub-projects at Twitter seems
similar to the breakdown we have in Spark.

Pants has an interesting take on how a build system should work, and
Twitter and Foursquare (who use Pants as their primary build tool) claim it
helps enforce better build hygiene and maintainability.

Some relevant talks:

   - Building Scala Hygienically with Pants
   - The Pants Build Tool at Twitter
   - Getting Started with the Pants Build System: Why Pants?

At some point I may take a shot at converting Spark to use Pants as an
experiment and just see what it’s like.


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