To reiterate, I'm asking from an experimental perspective. I'm not
proposing we change Spark to build with Pants or anything like that.

I'm interested in trying Pants out and I'm wondering if anyone else shares
my interest or already has experience with Pants that they can share.

On Mon Feb 02 2015 at 4:40:45 PM Nicholas Chammas <> wrote:

> I'm asking from an experimental standpoint; this is not happening anytime
> soon.
> Of course, if the experiment turns out very well, Pants would replace both
> sbt and Maven (like it has at Twitter, for example). Pants also works
> with IDEs <>.
> On Mon Feb 02 2015 at 4:33:11 PM Stephen Boesch <> wrote:
>> There is a significant investment in sbt and maven - and they are not at
>> all likely to be going away. A third build tool?  Note that there is also
>> the perspective of building within an IDE - which actually works presently
>> for sbt and with a little bit of tweaking with maven as well.
>> 2015-02-02 16:25 GMT-08:00 Nicholas Chammas <>:
>>> Does anyone here have experience with Pants
>> <> or interest in trying to build
>>> Spark with it?
>>> Pants has an interesting story. It was born at Twitter to help them build
>>> their Scala, Java, and Python projects as several independent components
>>> in
>>> one monolithic repo. (It was inspired by a similar build tool at Google
>>> called blaze.) The mix of languages and sub-projects at Twitter seems
>>> similar to the breakdown we have in Spark.
>>> Pants has an interesting take on how a build system should work, and
>>> Twitter and Foursquare (who use Pants as their primary build tool) claim
>>> it
>>> helps enforce better build hygiene and maintainability.
>>> Some relevant talks:
>>>    - Building Scala Hygienically with Pants
>>>    <>
>>>    - The Pants Build Tool at Twitter
>>>    <
>>> pants-build-tool-at-twitter>
>>>    - Getting Started with the Pants Build System: Why Pants?
>>>    <
>>> started-with-the-pants-build-system-why-pants>
>>> At some point I may take a shot at converting Spark to use Pants as an
>>> experiment and just see what it’s like.
>>> Nick
>>> ​

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