Still trying to get my head around Spark SQL & Hive.

1) Let's assume I *only* use Spark SQL to create and insert data into HIVE
tables, declared in a Hive meta-store.

Does it matter at all if Hive supports the data types I need with Parquet,
or is all that matters what Catalyst & spark's parquet relation support ?

Case in point : timestamps & Parquet
* Parquet now supports them as per
* Hive only supports them in 0.14
So would I be able to read/write timestamps natively in Spark 1.2 ? Spark
1.3 ?

I have found this thread
which seems to indicate that the data types supported by Hive would matter
to Spark SQL.
If so, why is that ? Doesn't the read path go through Spark SQL to read the
parquet file ?

2) Is there planned support for Hive 0.14 ?


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