For the old parquet path (available in 1.2.1) , i made a few changes for
being able to read/write to a table partitioned on timestamp type column

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 8:28 PM, The Watcher <> wrote:

> >
> >
> >    1. In Spark 1.3.0, timestamp support was added, also Spark SQL uses
> >    its own Parquet support to handle both read path and write path when
> >    dealing with Parquet tables declared in Hive metastore, as long as
> you’re
> >    not writing to a partitioned table. So yes, you can.
> >
> > Ah, I had missed the part about being partitioned or not. Is this related
> to the work being done on ParquetRelation2 ?
> We will indeed write to a partitioned table : do neither the read nor the
> write path go through Spark SQL's parquet support in that case ? Is there a
> JIRA/PR I can monitor to see when this would change ?
> Thanks

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