>From the changes to the namespace file, that appears to be correct, all 
>methods of the RDD API have been made private, which in R means that you may 
>still access them by using the namespace prefix SparkR with three colons, e.g. 
>SparkR:::func(foo, bar).

So a starting place for porting old SparkR scripts from before the merge could 
be to identify those methods in the script belonging to the RDD class and be 
sure they have the namespace identifier tacked on the front. I hope that helps.

Alek Eskilson

From: Andrew Psaltis <psaltis.and...@gmail.com<mailto:psaltis.and...@gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, May 25, 2015 at 6:25 PM
To: "dev@spark.apache.org<mailto:dev@spark.apache.org>" 
Subject: SparkR and RDDs

I understand from SPARK-6799[1] and the respective merge commit [2]  that the 
RDD class is private in Spark 1.4 . If I wanted to modify the old Kmeans and/or 
LR examples so that the computation happened in Spark what is the best 
direction to go? Sorry if I am missing something obvious, but based on the 
NAMESPACE file [3] in the SparkR codebase I am having trouble seeing the 
obvious direction to go.

Thanks in advance,


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