We have hit a new high in open pull requests: 469 today. While we can
certainly get more review bandwidth, many of these are old and still open
for other reasons. Some are stale because the original authors have become
busy and inactive, and some others are stale because the committers are not
sure whether the patch would be useful, but have not rejected the patch
explicitly. We can cut down the signal to noise ratio by closing pull
requests that have been inactive for greater than 30 days, with a nice
message. I just checked and this would close ~ half of the pull requests.

For example:

"Thank you for creating this pull request. Since this pull request has been
inactive for 30 days, we are automatically closing it. Closing the pull
request does not remove it from history and will retain all the diff and
review comments. If you have the bandwidth and would like to continue
pushing this forward, please reopen it. Thanks again!"

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