Agreed. Would an announcement/reminder on the dev and user lists suffice in
this case? Basically, just point out what's already been mentioned in the
2.0 release notes, and include a link there so people know what we're
2016년 10월 25일 (화) 오후 5:32, Mark Hamstra <>님이 작성:

> You're right; so we could remove Java 7 support in 2.1.0.
> Both Holden and I not having the facts immediately to mind does suggest,
> however, that we should be doing a better job of making sure that
> information about deprecated language versions is inescapably public.
> That's harder to do with a language version deprecation since using such a
> version doesn't really give you the same kind of repeated warnings that
> using a deprecated API does.
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Nicholas Chammas <
>> wrote:
> No, I think our intent is that using a deprecated language version can
> generate warnings, but that it should still work; whereas once we remove
> support for a language version, then it really is ok for Spark developers
> to do things not compatible with that version and for users attempting to
> use that version to encounter errors.
> OK, understood.
> With that understanding, the first steps toward removing support for Scala
> 2.10 and/or Java 7 would be to deprecate them in 2.1.0. Actual removal of
> support could then occur at the earliest in 2.2.0.
> Java 7 is already deprecated per the 2.0 release notes which I linked to. Here
> they are
> <>
> again.
> ​
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 3:19 PM Mark Hamstra <>
> wrote:
> No, I think our intent is that using a deprecated language version can
> generate warnings, but that it should still work; whereas once we remove
> support for a language version, then it really is ok for Spark developers to
> do things not compatible with that version and for users attempting to use
> that version to encounter errors.
> With that understanding, the first steps toward removing support for Scala
> 2.10 and/or Java 7 would be to deprecate them in 2.1.0.  Actual removal of
> support could then occur at the earliest in 2.2.0.
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Nicholas Chammas <
>> wrote:
> FYI: Support for both Python 2.6 and Java 7 was deprecated in 2.0 (see release
> notes <> under
> Deprecations). The deprecation notice didn't offer a specific timeline for
> completely dropping support other than to say they "might be removed in
> future versions of Spark 2.x".
> Not sure what the distinction between deprecating and dropping support is
> for language versions, since in both cases it seems like it's OK to do
> things not compatible with the deprecated versions.
> Nick
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 11:50 AM Holden Karau <>
> wrote:
> I'd also like to add Python 2.6 to the list of things. We've considered
> dropping it before but never followed through to the best of my knowledge
> (although on mobile right now so can't double check).
> On Tuesday, October 25, 2016, Sean Owen <> wrote:
> I'd like to gauge where people stand on the issue of dropping support for
> a few things that were considered for 2.0.
> First: Scala 2.10. We've seen a number of build breakages this week
> because the PR builder only tests 2.11. No big deal at this stage, but, it
> did cause me to wonder whether it's time to plan to drop 2.10 support,
> especially with 2.12 coming soon.
> Next, Java 7. It's reasonably old and out of public updates at this stage.
> It's not that painful to keep supporting, to be honest. It would simplify
> some bits of code, some scripts, some testing.
> Hadoop versions: I think the the general argument is that most anyone
> would be using, at the least, 2.6, and it would simplify some code that has
> to reflect to use not-even-that-new APIs. It would remove some moderate
> complexity in the build.
> "When" is a tricky question. Although it's a little aggressive for minor
> releases, I think these will all happen before 3.x regardless. 2.1.0 is not
> out of the question, though coming soon. What about ... 2.2.0?
> Although I tend to favor dropping support, I'm mostly asking for current
> opinions.
> --
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