jenkins uses SBT, so you need to do the test run there. They are different, and 
have different test runners in particular.

On 30 Nov 2016, at 04:14, Saikat Kanjilal 
<<>> wrote:

Hello Spark dev community,
I took this the following jira item 
( and am looking for some general 
pointers, it seems that I am running into issues where things work successfully 
doing local development on my macbook pro but fail on jenkins for a multitiude 
of reasons and errors, here's an example,  if you see this build output report: you 
will see the DataFrameStatSuite, now locally I am running these individual 
tests with this command: ./build/mvn test -P... -DwildcardSuites=none 
-Dtest=org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameStatSuite.     It seems that I need to 
emulate a jenkins like environment locally, this seems sort of like an 
untenable hurdle, granted that my changes involve changing the total number of 
workers in the sparkcontext and if so should I be testing my changes in an 
environment that more closely resembles jenkins.  I really want to work 
on/complete this PR but I keep getting hamstrung by a dev environment that is 
not equivalent to our CI environment.

There's always the option of creating a linux VM/container with jenkins in it; 
there's a nice trick there in which you can have it watch a git branch, and 
have it kick off a run whenever you push up to it. That way, you have your own 
personal jenkins to do the full regression tests, while you yourself work on a 
small bit.

I'm guessing/hoping I'm not the first one to run into this so some insights. 
pointers to get past this would be very appreciated , would love to keep 
contributing and hoping this is a hurdle that's overcomeable with some tweaks 
to my dev environment.

Thanks in advance.

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