
I don't have a lot of experience with the fine-grained scheduler.  It's
deprecated and fairly old now.  CPUs should be relinquished as tasks
complete, so I'm not sure why you're seeing what you're seeing.  There have
been a few discussions on the spark list regarding deprecating the
fine-grained scheduler, and no one seemed too dead-set on keeping it.  I'd
recommend you move over to coarse-grained.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 8:41 AM, Chawla,Sumit <sumitkcha...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> I am using Spark 1.6. I have one query about Fine Grained model in Spark.
> I have a simple Spark application which transforms A -> B.  Its a single
> stage application.  To begin the program, It starts with 48 partitions.
> When the program starts running, in mesos UI it shows 48 tasks and 48 CPUs
> allocated to job.  Now as the tasks get done, the number of active tasks
> number starts decreasing.  How ever, the number of CPUs does not decrease
> propotionally.  When the job was about to finish, there was a single
> remaininig task, however CPU count was still 20.
> My questions, is why there is no one to one mapping between tasks and cpus
> in Fine grained?  How can these CPUs be released when the job is done, so
> that other jobs can start.
> Regards
> Sumit Chawla

Michael Gummelt
Software Engineer

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